Launching the new MSc program IWRM-LAC
Curriculum development workshop for the new MSc Program “Integrated Water Resources Management for Latin America and the Caribbean” (IWRM-LAC)
Call for applications for the MSC Program IWRM-LAC here
In August 2020, the University of Costa Rica (UCR) in San José is going to launch the new MSc program “Integrated Water Resources Management for Latin America and the Caribbean”.
The curriculum of the master program is framed after the MSc program: “Integrated Water Resources Management” currently offered at the Institute for Technology and Resources Management (ITT), TH Köln, Germany (MORE).
From 2th-5th of March 2020, lecturers from the ITT as well as from the National University of Colombia; University Javeriana, Colombia; Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico and University of La Frontera, Chile, met at the UCR in Costa Rica to adapt the curriculum to water management challenges and environmental conditions of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Furthermore, we designed IWRM related research projects in South American river basins and discussed the incorporation of our regional pilot case studies into the curriculum of the new master program. By confronting students with real life case studies in the pilot river basins, we aim at applying the praxis-oriented teaching method “Enquiry Based Learning” (EBL). The EBL didactic method is considered an effective way to educate students towards self-determined knowledge creation, lifelong learning and leadership.