Water Security and Climate Change conference 2019
In October 2019, the Water Security and Climate Change conference series was successfully continued at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. About 160 participants from around 30 nations participated in 15 thematic sessions. The WSCC is characterized by an interdisciplinary and multi-actor approach. Thus, on the one hand, the WSCC provides a platform for scientific exchange, and on the other hand, it serves as a forum for discourse between stakeholders from policy, society and academia regarding the most pressing issues related to climate change.
The WSCC 2019 followed the concept of the previous conferences in 2016-2018 by holding numerous technical sessions on e.g. groundwater, water quality, water and energy nexus, and the impacts of climate change. But also the role of Sustainable Development Goals, urban water management, nature-based solutions, food security and social science perspectives were discussed.
Particular pleasing was the high proportion of young scientists from Asia, South and Central America as well as Africa who were able to present their research in the WSCC funded through the German Academic Exchange Service’s Exceed program. CNRD, ITT and TH Köln as co-organizers of the conference series look forward to the next WSCC in 2020/21.